E mail stands for electronic mail, which is sent digitally over the internet.
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Email is known as Electronic Mail. It is the process of exchanging digital message from sender to the multiple recipients.
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Electronic Mail
If you use a translator and do English to Dutch, type in mail and it will be e-mail in Dutch. That was my theory until I heard of electronic mail...or maybe a Dutchman created email? Or maybe it is just electronic mail, though you would think it would be internet mail like most things on the computer have an i.
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In email E means "Electronic". In other words we can say it as an Electronic mail.
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Electronic mail, or e-mail for short, is an internet tool. Once you have an e-mail account you can send an electronic message to just about anyone else with an e-mail account so long as you know their e-mail address.
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The letter e in e-mail represents the word electronic, for "electronic mail".
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E-mail enables us to condact any person in the worid in matter of second. Billions of e-mail messages are sent over the internetevery day. Electronic mail or e-mail is a method of exchanching digital messages between computers over internet.
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the e stands for electronic.
like e-mail is electronic mail.
and e-peen is...
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"e" stands for "electronic". For instance, e-mail means electronic mail.
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No. E-Mail means Electronic Mail, similar to regular US mail except E-Mail is all electronic and most are free to send and receive.
An E-Mail Password is like having a lock on a door, except here the password protects your E-Mail account.
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Email (or e-mail) is the shortened form of "electronic mail".
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Electronic mail is better known as e-mail, or email. Basically, it is a document (letter, etc.) sent over the internet.
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e-mail is the abbreviation for electronic mail. The hyphen is used between the e and mail.
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E-mail is Electronic Mail. email contains a subject and message and is sent to one or more people.
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Electronic mail, often abbreviated as email, e.mail or e-mail, is a method of exchanging digital messages
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ELECTRONIC MAIL (E-MAIL) are the types of accounts in the internet
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No, it is not an adverb. Email (e-mail) is a noun, meaning electronic mail.
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The correct word is e-mail. The word is a contraction of "electronic mail" and just as "hydrogen bomb" reduces to H-bomb not Hbomb, so electronic mail reduces to e-mail, not email. Other examples are:
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email is different from ordinary mail because in e mail we can send message fast as well as not giving money but in the ordinary mail the message will not go fast a
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It's called 'e-mail' - which is short for 'electronic mail'.
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No. It is both a hyphenated and abbreviated word. E-mail stands for Electronic Mail.
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Email is a way to send and recieve mail within minutes over the internet instead of sending it through the mail and waiting for days.
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It used to be called E-mail but most people now drop the hyphen. Email stands for Electronic Mail.
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Posta elettronica in Italian means "e-mail (electronic mail)" in English.
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email is known as Electronic Mail. It is the process of exchanging digital message from sender to the multiple recipients.
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"E-mail me" means Send me an Electronic Mail. Email is sent over the Internet through an email program.
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Bruce Fryer has written:
'Delivering e-mail' -- subject(s): Electronic mail systems
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Offices in today's society are transmitting information via electronic mail (e-mail), electronic calendars, and teleconferencing, as well as other electronic devices
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Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is an Internet standard for electronic mail (e-mail) transmission across Internet Protocol (IP) networks
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It means Electronic Mail. Basically, an instant Postal Service.
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Snail Mail - Physical delivery of mail, as contrasted with electronic mail.
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